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My name is Joseph Cano, I’m a student, software engineer and programming entusiast. I don’t design the sites I make them work

Technologies and Philosophy

My expertise and interest lies in front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript (as well as frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, Astro, Next and the million new ones that come out every day). My server side skills revolve around NodeJs and Python. I enjoy dabbling in mobile development and edge devices and environments. I focus on developing my own open source proyects to contribute to the world, as they open a plethora of possibilities and rewards for their hard-working developers. My philosophy on learning to use web technologies is always the same: experiment, fail, fix, fail again, fix again. Reading books will only get you so far — you should spend time with your debugger, experimenting away with whichever technology you need to learn. Always keep an open mind, use tools you wouldn’t usually use, and never give up.

Spare Time

When not buried in my text editor, I enjoy watching movies on one of the dozen devices Netflix has an app for, fawning over my awesome dog Angry, and spending time with my siblings and friends. I spend much of my weekends going to the gym or watching European football, cheering on Chelsea and laughing at the misfortunes of Liverpool, Manchester City, Arsenal, and Barcelona. If you want to hear my real opinion on things, throw a bottle of wine at me.

Contacting Me

I do my best to be as accessible as possible. Try sending me an email if you want to get in touch.